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Vienna Armor Collection
of the Habsburg Kid Resume

What has always been interesting and intriguing to boys? Weapons, of course! Ancient, old, modern or from a fantasy world. That is why an excursion to the world of weapons will be one of the most exciting adventures in their lives, especially if they are visiting a foreign country. Vienna Habsburg Armory (Hofjagd – und Rüstkammer) is the largest and the most complete collection of weapons in Europe.


It has been collecting since 1450, when it was started by Emperor Frederick III. Today the collection is represented by at least a thousand of different exhibits from chain mail, harpoons, and spearheads to weapons of the time of Emperor Franz Josef. Habsburg Armory is located in twelve large rooms in the New Castle (Neue Burg) of Hofburg Palace.


Does your young dreamer think of the time of the Middle Ages? Does he see himself as a knight in the tournament, fighting for the heart of a beautiful lady? He certainly will enjoy wandering between unique antique exhibits of the Armory. He will see firsthand armor inlaid with gold of the Habsburg dynasty, a collection of knightly accessories that is few hundred years old, and find out the truth about the invention of the firearm. Here are stored the armor of Ferdinand of Aragon and the gold sword of Maximilian II.


Parents should keep in mind that the tour across the twelve halls of the Armory is adapted for children, so they can safely bring their children to the museum. There are many kinds of ceremonial weapons and firearms inlaid with gemstones and decorated in a highly refined style, armor of medieval knights, and even horse saddles — they all tell us about the most significant political events of that time. You will discover the whole history of the coronation ceremonies, military campaigns, the Seimas of imperial troops, taking the oath, and even the wedding of crowned heads. The unique exhibits of the Viennese Armory will tell you all about that.


By the way, the exposition of the museum allows you to see not only the weapons of the Habsburg era, but also the military armor almost of all Western European dynasties. Indeed there are no more ancient and rich collections than this one in all of Europe.


Your little dreamers will be speechless as they look at such a variety of weapons from all history. Be ready to fully feel the thrill of your presence among the ranks of medieval soldiers and riders on horseback with all these patterns, strange shapes, and the unusual size of the exhibits. Boys will be especially pleased to see armor in children’s sizes. To receive it as a gift for christening was considered as a great honor and a manifestation of supreme majesty in the old days.


0–1 years

1–4 years

4–8 years

8+ years



Close To




Hours of Operation

May 1 – October 31 daily 9:00–17:00

November 2 – April 30 daily 11:00-15:00.

Weekends: 24, 25, on December 31, January 1.

Entrance Fees

Children and adolescents up to 19 years – free of charge, adults – 12 euros.

How to Get There

By subway: Line U2 and U3 (Volkstheater Station), by bus: № 2A, №57A (Volkstheater stop), by tram D1, D2 (Volkstheater stop).

Contact Info

Neue Burg, Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien (entrance from Heldenplatz).

Website: http://www.khm.at/en

Sights Near The Habsburg Armory –
Greatest Attractions Never Forget

Some great text under the heading about Austria family vacation places
and awesome never forget attractions in Austria to visit this year

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